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Benefits Cliffs in South Carolina

Benefits cliffs refer to a situation in which an individual experiences a sudden drop in public benefits as they earn more income, often resulting in a net loss of income despite the increase in earnings. The biggest drivers of South Carolina’s benefits cliffs include Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

Overview of South Carolina’s Benefits Cliffs Challenge

In South Carolina, the benefits cliff can occur when an individual's income exceeds the eligibility threshold for certain public benefits programs. For example, a family of three receiving TANF benefits may lose their entire benefit if their income exceeds $1,177 per month. Similarly, a single parent with one child receiving SNAP benefits may lose their entire benefit if their income exceeds $1,755 per month.

The benefits cliff can create a disincentive to work or seek higher-paying jobs, as individuals may be hesitant to lose their benefits and experience a net loss of income. This situation creates a cycle of poverty and prevents individuals from experiencing greater self-sufficiency and financial security. 

To address the benefits cliff and help individuals transition off public benefits more securely, South Carolina has implemented policies to gradually phase out benefits as income increases and to provide job training and education programs to help individuals increase their earning potential.

Overall, the benefits cliff remains a significant issue in South Carolina and other states, and policymakers continue to explore ways to mitigate its impact on vulnerable populations.

Business Impact of South Carolina’s Benefits Cliffs

While benefits cliffs primarily affect individuals and families who rely on public benefits, they can also impact employers in South Carolina. There is limited data on the specific impact to South Carolina employers, but we do know several general workforce trends of benefits cliffs that can lead to challenges for South Carolina businesses. These issues highlight the need for policies that promote self-sufficiency and help individuals and families transition off of public benefits in a way that supports both the workforce and employers.

South Carolina Cliffs and Employee Retention

Benefits cliffs discourage individuals from transitioning off public benefits and into higher-paying jobs. As a result, employers may struggle to retain employees who are hesitant to take on higher-paying jobs for fear of losing their benefits. Employers are left to navigate a high turnover rate and increased recruitment costs for employers.

South Carolina Cliffs and Workforce Participation

The benefits cliff can also discourage workforce participation among certain populations. For example, individuals who are nearing the eligibility cutoff for public benefits may be less likely to seek employment or work additional hours, as it could result in a net loss of income. This dynamic leaves employers with a smaller pool of available workers, making it harder to find qualified candidates.

South Carolina Cliffs and Employee Turnover

Because it creates financial instability for individuals and families, a looming benefits cliff can increase an employee’s stress and prompt a higher likelihood of missed work or reduced productivity. Employees may see an increase in employee turnover and reduced productivity for employers.

South Carolina Cliffs and Employer Costs

Employers may incur additional costs related to providing benefits to employees who are not eligible for public benefits or who are hesitant to take on higher-paying jobs due to the benefits cliff. For example, employers may need to provide health insurance or other benefits to attract and retain employees who may otherwise rely on public benefits.

Policy Approaches to South Carolina’s Benefits Cliffs

South Carolina's welfare reform efforts have focused on promoting self-sufficiency through work-related requirements, time limits, and supportive services. The state has also emphasized the importance of child support enforcement and has implemented work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries to encourage work and reduce dependency.

Overview of South Carolina’s Welfare Reform Efforts

Work-Related Requirements: The state has implemented work-related requirements for welfare recipients, including mandatory participation in job training and work-related activities.

Time Limits: South Carolina limits the receipt of welfare benefits to 24 months for families, with some exceptions for certain populations, such as those with disabilities.

Family Independence Program (FIP): The FIP program provides cash assistance to families with children who meet certain income and resource requirements. The program requires participants to meet work and training requirements, and it offers supportive services such as child care and transportation assistance.

Child Support Enforcement: South Carolina has a strong child support enforcement program that helps ensure that non-custodial parents contribute financially to the support of their children.

Medicaid: South Carolina has implemented work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries, which require certain individuals to work, volunteer, or participate in job training to maintain their benefits.

Policy Leaders Involved in South Carolina Welfare Reform

There are several state and federal representatives who have worked on or advocated for welfare reform in South Carolina. 

Tim Scott (U.S. Senator, R-SC): Senator Scott has been a vocal advocate for welfare reform at the federal level, including efforts to encourage work and self-sufficiency among recipients of public benefits. He has introduced legislation aimed at reducing the benefits cliff and promoting economic mobility.

Joe Wilson (U.S. Representative, R-SC 2nd District): Representative Wilson has also been a proponent of welfare reform, particularly with regard to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). He has advocated for work requirements and other changes to the program aimed at reducing dependency and promoting self-sufficiency.

Mandy Powers Norrell (State Senator, D-Lancaster): Senator Norrell has been a strong advocate for expanding access to public benefits in South Carolina, particularly with regard to Medicaid. She has introduced legislation aimed at expanding Medicaid eligibility and improving access to healthcare for low-income South Carolinians.

Katrina Shealy (State Senator, R-Lexington): Senator Shealy has also been involved in efforts to reform public benefits programs in South Carolina. She has sponsored legislation aimed at reducing fraud and abuse in the state's welfare programs, as well as measures aimed at promoting work and self-sufficiency among recipients of public benefits.

Other lawmakers and advocacy groups have also been involved in this work, and the debate over public benefits and welfare reform remains an active and ongoing topic of discussion in the state.

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